Psychic Ability

Psychic Ability is not a mental ability. It is not an ability of the mind.

Ancient Greek Philosophers knew the Psyche to be the Soul. It was the fourth element of Spirit, which they called Fire. They called the Mind Nous, which is the element of Water. The Heart, called Pneuma, represented Emotion, symbolised by the Breath & the element of Air. The physical Body called Soma was represented by the element of Earth.

Psychic Ability is the ability of the Soul, expressed through the ability of each Individual Self. It requires a spiritual connection between the Soul and the Self. This psychic connection is called Intuition.

Intuition is how the spiritual Soul communicates with its physical Self. It is also how my physical Self communicates with my Soul.

When the spiritual connection is an intuitive sense of knowing, it is a mental connection with one’s psychic ability. Hence the misconception that being psychic or intuitive is a mental capacity.

When the intuitive connection is a spiritual sense of feeling, it is an emotional connection to one’s psychic ability. It is the sense of being ‘heart-felt’.

A physical connection to one’s psychic ability is an intuitive sense of seeing, which I consciously get as a mental and an emotional experience. When I intuitively know it and intuitively feel it, I intuitively see my physically creative, psychic ability.

One who has the psychic ability to intuitively see, is called a Seer. A Seer uses their ‘third eye’ to see with the imagination of their Soul. They see in their ‘mind’s eye’ what the Soul images or imagines for its Self.

One who has the psychic ability to intuitively emotionally feel is called a Sensitive. A Sensitive has the emotional intelligence to sense the emotional state of being of other people, as well as their own emotional attributes and attainments.

One who has the psychic ability to know, without prior knowledge or experience, is called a Gnostic. They have the ability to know the difference between an intuitive insight and the hindsight or foresight of their rational intellect.

Both our physical and our spiritual experiences are processed through our brain. With no distinction between our mind and our brain, psychology has defaulted to become a study of the Mind instead of a study of the Soul.

In truth, I am not here to study the Soul. On the contrary, the Soul is here to study its Self. It is through Life that the Soul is able to study its Self. It is through the Self that the Soul is able to use its psychic ability. Psychic ability enables the Soul to communicate with its Self and to provide its Self with continuous guidance & support.

Without the psychic ability of the Soul, the Self is disconnected from the Providence of it Provider and the Creativity of its Creator. It is alone in a world of free choice that allows it to discover, explore & experience the extremes of its own creativity; without any inkling of its own vision, mission & purpose in life.

The true ability of the Psyche, my true psychic ability, is being the creative creator of my own creation.