The Ability of Problems

Problems have no ability.

Problems are the lack of ability.

With enough physical ability, there is no problem.

Living life without the ability is problematic.

As I grow in the ability of my self-esteem, life becomes less of a problem.

An omnipresent ability is problem-free.

Being problem-free is the pathway to my physical ability.

My physical ability is the antidote to problems.

My physical body enables me.

It is also the cause of my problems.

The ability of my physical body is relative to the power of my emotional body and the authority of my mental body.

My omnipresent ability is proportional to my omnipotent power and my omniscient authority.

My effortless life is pain-free, fear-free & problem-free.

It has the personal power, authority & ability to see and to accept every opportunity that is present.