The Meaning Of Ability

The Meaning of Ability is empowered authority with inspired power.

Ability is the mean balance of a definite power with a defined authority.

Meaning means both balance & definition. With mental definition and emotional balance, I am physically enabled.

Attaining the mean balance between male instinct and female intuition clearly defines my intellectual ability. Clearly defining my sub-conscious male programming and my super-conscious female purpose, allows my conscious intellect a wealth of wise balanced choices.

I am enabled when my female power is in balance with my male authority. Ability with a balanced instinctive meaning allows my life to intuitively love my emotional purpose, in the light of my intellectual mental reasoning.

When emotional purpose has mental reasoning, my life has meaning and balance is definitely enabled. The meaning of life is to attain a definite balance with a reasonable purpose.

  • With only a female intuitive purpose, there is no male intellectual reason for my life
  • With only a male intellectual reason for my life, there is no female intuitive purpose
  • With no definite balance of a male perspective with a female perception, there is no reasonable meaning or purpose for life

With a clear perception of the female power of emotional support and a direct perspective of the male authority of mental guidance, I am physically enabled to live a meaningfully inspired, purposefully empowered and reasonably enlightened experience of life.