A Five Dimensional Awareness

A 5 Dimensional Awareness intuitively sees a bigger picture of Reality.

With a higher dimensional intuitive conscious-awareness, I no longer need:

  1. Teachers to give me knowledge. All a posteriori knowledge is intellectually available on the internet and all a priori knowing is intuitively available from the Akashic records.
  2. Governments to rule by law. When my personal standards of behaviour never cross another’s boundaries, I am in self control not under government control.
  3. Religions to show me a spiritual way. I have my own spiritual guidance, support & provision on my exclusive path in life.
  4. Financial Institutions to assure my wealth. My emotional wealth is ensured, as I have enough of everything that I require provided by providence.
  5. Health Services to cure my sickness. I have faith in my own internal self healing ability and require no external illness service to medicate my dis-ease or discomfort.
  6. Amusement Parks or Fun Fairs. With my own intuitive sense of Joy, I have no need of the pleasures of a material world as I am connected to my own innate sense of wellbeing.
  7. Insurance Companies to underwrite my risks. With wisdom assured and wealth ensured, insurance is no longer required. With my safety assured, I am free of the need for security.
  8. Solicitors to defend me. With my own inner peace, there is nothing to attack and nothing to defend. My freedom is secure and it is never compromised.
  9. Advisors, Counsellors & Consultants. When I intuitively consult my own inner counsel for advice, I have no need of any external influence.
  10. Professional Services. Those who profess a level of intellectual excellence are devoid of the emotional intelligence of either a sensitive detachment from my path or an exclusive connection with their own path.