
Vitality is the quality of a quintessential five dimensional experience of reality. My vital reality is five dimensional. A five dimensional real experience essentially requires five dimensions of Consciousness:

  1. Being Alive
  2. Being Alert
  3. Being Awake
  4. Being Aware
  5. Being Vital

A five dimensional Consciousness is vital and essential to the realisation of the Soul by its Self.

  • My human cells are alive, yet unconscious to the higher purpose of my body
  • My sub-conscious mind is instinctively alert, to survive the discomfort & insecurity of being alive
  • My conscious mind is awake to the physical tasks required to ensure my comfort, safety & security
  • My super-conscious awareness connects my Self to the intuitive guidance, support & provision of my Soul
  • The vitality of my supra-conscious Soul Entity is vitally essential to the ascension of my Self on its evolutionary path through Life

The attainment of five dimensional conscious-awareness is quintessentially a vital reality, for my Self to align with my Soul and for my Soul to realise its True Self.

Vitality is a quintessential quality attainment, being essentially the essence of the Soul in a fifth dimensional reality. Discovering my essential nature is a really vital aspect of a purposefully fulfilling evolutionary journey through life.