Order & Chaos

Chaos is a drama created by the problems we encounter in life.

A problem is our inability to make a conscious choice, usually because we have an emotional need in conflict with a mental belief.

We seek solutions to our problems that are creating our chaos, in order to restore an orderly peace. Peace is the respite we seek from the conflict of our chaos.

We try to avoid chaos by instituting order into our life. We choose institutional order in line with the institutions of our financial, health, education and judicial systems of our local and central government.

When we co-operate with these institutional systems we are seen as orderly. When we break the rules or orders of our governing authority we are seen to be disorderly, disfunctional and in chaos. We are then liable to be institutionalised for our own good, or the good of society, until we are considered orderly enough to conform satisfactorily to the system called peace and order.

Order requires routine, which becomes habit, which is predictable and controllable until it becomes an addiction and an obsession, which sends us full circle back into chaos.

Our degree of chaos is measured by the number of unsolved problems we are trying to manage. Our degree of order is a measure of how many problems we have solved. The problem is that the more solutions we find the more problems we seem to create.

Maintaining order is society’s biggest problem in a continuously changing and expanding world. There is more apparent chaos in modern society than ever before despite our increasing ability to solve problems and institute order.

An effortless life is obtained by having no problems. When we have no problems, we require no solutions and when we require no solutions, we require no order to manage them. When we have no problems and we have no solutions, we require no order to put them in, and our potential for chaos is eliminated.

True peace of mind is achieved when both order and chaos are no longer our reality.