An Elimination Contest

Doubt is a ‘con’ test. A con is a deception of untruth. A test is a trial. Being certain is certainly on trial, until I pass my test with certain Truth. Certainty is a triality with doubt & conviction. I am undoubtedly convicted by the uncertainty of my doubtful convictions. I can:

  • Release the doubt of a convicted problem
  • Deliver the doubt with a challenging truth
  • Cleanse the doubt with the opportunity of certainty
  • Purify the doubt with certain faith

Problems are certain when an opportunity is doubtful. Challenge is doubtful when problems are certain. Opportunity is always undoubtedly certain.

  • My Way is a certain experience
  • My Truth is a certain influence
  • My Life is a certain existence

The Way, the Truth & the Life of Universal Christ Consciousness is certainly ideal, beneficial & divine.

“When I compete with self doubt, it is a competition that I am contesting”

A Petition is a plea of initiation requesting an entreaty with a higher authority. Without doubt, I petition my Soul with certainty. A commission of mutual certainty between the Soul & its Self, eliminates doubt.

  • With certainty, my life is ensured
  • With doubt, I insure my life
  • With undoubted certainty, my death is assured

I contest my Elimination when I remove the fight, reject the con, kill the test, excrete the waste, overcome my convicted doubt and champion my certainty.

  • Doubt is fated when it is contained, obtained, retained, maintained, sustained, detained, stained or distained; and when it is curtained, it can be ‘curtains’ & ‘fatal’
  • Certainty is destined when it attains & captains sincerity, pertains & appertains to truth and abstains & disdains from doubt

I deliver doubt with the Mastery of Nuance. Nuance is the subtle difference in how I perceive my perspective, define the divine and divine a definition. The divinity of my distinctive nuance eliminates doubt and champions with certainty. Deliverance of doubt is about challenging my truth and protesting my certainty. Quintessentially, there are five ways in which doubt & certainty apparently happen:

1. With repulsive unconscious inaction, nothing occurs

2. With impulsive instinctive sub-conscious reaction, chaos occurs

3. With compulsive intellectual conscious pro-action, problems occur

4. With an expulsive intuitive super-conscious response, lessons occur

5. With propulsive imaginative supra-conscious faith, certain opportunities occur, as flights of flair & fancy

A Distinction in the Elimination Contest can only be attained intuitively as it is neither defined in a rational dictionary nor refined in a synonymous thesaurus. A Thesaurus is a treasury of distinctive, similar meaning synonyms; which is a list of words that are both the same & different.

Certainty is absolute faith, whereas doubt is relative to beliefs.

  • Allied with doubt, certainty is defeated
  • Allied with truth, doubt is certainly defeated

Ignorance is the cause of doubt, denial is the affect of doubt and certainty is the effect of a confident truth. Without doubt, creativity is certain.

Creativity is creative ability and a true Creator has certain faith in the creation of their creative creativity. Doubt disallows creative authority and disapproves of creative power, rendering certainty to be unacceptable.

  • I certainly initiate my authority with direct choice
  • I certainly invent my power with clear breathing
  • I certainly induce my ability with spirit present
  • I certainly innovate a new, present, clear direction of evolving creativity

When I eliminate my doubt, with the illumination of my certainty, there is no contestant and there is no contest.