Abundant Contentment

  • When I Confess my scarcity, Profess my poverty and Oppress my Provision, I have too little of everything and I Repress my Contentment
  • When I Express my extravagance, Redress with luxury and revel in Excess, I have too much of something and I Compress my Contentment.
  • When I Suppress my arrogant gluttony and I Address my humble abstinence. I Impress with the Abundant Provision of Enough Contentment.

Too little & not enough is the poverty of scarcity that has a duality of too much & more than enough extravagant gluttony. They are opposing statements of the discontentment of being without the Abundant Contentment of Enough.

In my Ideal World, there is no selfish, luxurious excess or selfless, squalid distress, just the contentment of enough, abundant health.

My Penance is enough, I champion my cause, I effectively heal as I create my own abundant contentment. I heal my own discontentment with my Self, as the influencer of my divine, existential experience. There are no problems, fear or pain in the beneficial world that I create on Earth as a reflection of my own imagined Heaven. ‘As above, so below’ and ‘As within, so without’. With enough inner contentment, I have enough outer abundance.

My complete appraisal of my mission allows a complete reappraisal of remission. When my expansion is complete, my contract is complete. I complete a reversal of perspective & perception; from mine to thine, from ‘you will’ to: ‘Thou art with me, everyday, throughout my infinitely abundant, eternal provision of continuous contentment’.

  • I Profess my mental alignment, through confessing my fears
  • I Address my physical calm, through instilling inner peace
  • I Express my emotional balance, through meeting my own needs
  • I Impress my spiritual Self, through the purity of my still & balanced, alignment

I attain enough confidence, of abundant contentment, when I am the worthy creator of my own self esteem.