A Gressive Ponential

To Gress is to walk. A Gress is a step. Progress is a step in a forward direction, on my walk through life, one step at a time. It is a four step journey:

1. I Ingress when I permit my admittance. It is my entrance to the birth of a new journey, which starts with the entrancement of a sub-conscious fate to survive.

2. I Aggress when I commit to fight. It is the aggression of a conscious ego, to strive in conflict & strife, with the inertia & entropy of life.

3. I Digress when I submit & surrender to the clarity of light, instead of the confusion of flight. It is my change in direction from aggression to regression.

4. I Regress when I permit my remit, with a reverse state of reasoning, to allow the progress of my chosen path.

Progress is attained when I “Walk my Talk”.

Ponential is a ponent authority, which is a choice of influence. My ponential is relative to my choice of influence. Ponent is an affirming influence and imponent is not. Authorising an affirming influence is realising my ponential. An influence can be either a firm conviction or an affirming belief. Convicted influences have no real ponential as their authority is not sovereign. When the sovereign influence of my Soul Entity is affirming my Gression, I am walking my talk. There are four choices of ponent influence:

1. An Exponent exposed to the exposition of another’s chaotic reality of entropic authority

2. An Opponent opposed in opposition to another’s real problems of being an intolerant authority

3. An Imponent of the imposed imposition of my own lessons through challenging other people’s learned authority

4. A Reponent of the reposed reposition of my own affirming authority

When I affirm my Ponential, I attest my Potential and I acknowledge the Essential nature of my existential, influential experience.

With a Gressive Ponential and a Realised Potential, I avow the Authentic Nature of my Journey of Life.