A Four Dimensional Agendum

An Agendum is a list of actions. I activate the activities of my actions with my agenda. A four dimensional Agendum allows a choice of four agendas:

1. Anterior

2. Inferior

3. Superior

4. Ulterior

My motivation is the cause of my action. A four dimensional agendum has four sources of motivation:

1. The sub-conscious instinct of my id

2. The conscious intellect of my ego

3. The super-conscious intuition of my entity

4. The supra-conscious imagination of my Soul

I have a personal choice of:

  • The anterior agenda of my Id, which is instinctive survival. With an instinctive anterior motive, I react to what is happening to me
  • The inferior agenda of my Ego, which is my intellectual comfort & security. With an intellectual inferior motive, I pro-actively reply with what happens by me
  • The superior agenda of my Entity, which is the intuitive awareness of my Soul. With an intuitive superior motive, I respond with what I allow to happen through me
  • The ulterior agenda of my Soul, which is the imaginative creativity of my Creator. With an imaginative ulterior motive, I create what happens as me

Being beneficially certain, my intuitive response happening through me is always superior to the inferior intellectual reply happening by me.

My intellectual reply is inferior to my anterior instinctive reaction because it is slower to act.

My imaginative creativity is ulterior to my superior intuitive awareness because it is the creative activity of my Soul, on purpose.

  • Anterior & Inferior Agendas require Exterior action
  • Superior & Ulterior Agendas require Interior action
  • Instinct & Intellect require Exterior senses
  • Intuition & Imagination require Interior senses