The Purpose Of A Tumour

For a Tumour to be benign, benevolent, beneficent & beneficial, I am required to benefit from its purpose.

When the purpose of a tumour is a problem to its host, it is determined to be malignant, detrimental to health and a risk to life from a danger of death.

For a tumour to be benign, it has a benevolent effect, a beneficent cause and a beneficial affect. A benevolent effect has an effective purpose, a beneficent cause is reasonable and a beneficial affect is meaningful.

My choice of perspective is that without an effective benevolent purpose, a tumour has no defined reasonable cause with no definite affective meaning. Defining a meaningful & reasonable four dimensional purpose requires:

1. An Exposition

2. An Opposition

3. An Imposition

4. A Reposition

I am required to:

  • Expose & accede, admit & repent to acknowledge my sins
  • Oppose & concede, commit & relent to attest my virtues
  • Impose & secede, permit & lament to affirm my true values
  • Repose & recede, remit & atone to allow my destiny

When I address my tumour, I realign its purpose from a maligned perspective to a beneficial perception. When I redress with purpose, I rectify the meaning and reasonably reform the tumour.

When I:

  • Affirm the Rumour, I disallow the deceit
  • Attest the Humour, I disapprove the conceit
  • Acknowledge the Tumour, I reject the vanity

When I:

  • Re-affirm my Authority, I allow my ponentiality
  • Re-attest my Power, I approve my potentiality
  • Re-acknowledge my Ability, I accept my essentiality

When I expose my mental fears, oppose my emotional needs and impose my true values, I repose in the influential, existential experience of my vision for a purposeful mission.