Environmental Issues

The Environment is believed to be the affects that we experience, caused by the conditions in life that we encounter. This is the perspective of life happens to me. Conditions occur due to the condition of the environment. The primary affect on the condition of the external environment is called the weather.

  • Weather is the cause of external physical conditions
  • Whether is the cause of internal mental conditions

Whether I choose this or whether I choose that affects the condition of my internal environment.

The affects of the weather can be either kind or unkind and extreme environmental issues can be disastrous to our survival. We are instinctively programmed to survive environmental disasters. We strive as an intellectual society to create an environment that is safe, secure & comfortable. We work collectively on environmental issues called global warming and industrial pollution to minimise their detrimental affects on our health, safety & wellbeing. We can be victims who survive environmental issues or heroes who strive to improve the conditions of the environment in which we live.

It is the environmental nature of the planet that happens to us, unless we admit to being the primary cause of the environment happening by us. It is the physical perspective of our Scientists who determine the conditions, causes & affects of our environment. From my own perspective, I have a choice to discern whether:

  • My environment, the weather, is the cause of my existence
  • My existence, the whether, is the cause of my environment

My choice is: Am I at the mercy of my environmental existence or whether I am mercifully creating my own existential environment?

  • Environ means to go round or to cycle
  • Mental is the condition of the Mind

This infers that it is our mental conditioning that causes the cycles of our existential environs. Whether we believe that ‘what goes around comes around’, it is none the less our fate and our karma. It is a choice of whether I believe that:

  • Life happens to me and is conditional upon the environment in which I live
  • I can improve the conditions of my environment to make my life, safer, more comfortable and more environmentally friendly

Environmental conditions are friendly when they meet my needs emotionally. We all agree that our external environment should be kind to us. It should be:

  • Kind & considerate
  • Kind & generous
  • Kind & caring

This is the kind of environment that most people choose to experience. Yet these issues are internal & emotional and not relative to external physical causes or affects. it is unfair to blame our sad emotions on the weather not being fair.

Kindness is the energetic gender opposite of envy. We envy the kind attentions of others. Female emotional kindness contrasts with male mental envy. Envy is what I mentally desire and Kindness is an emotional passion.

  • Being emotionally kind to other people is how I get them to meet my emotional needs. I am kind, or kin, to those I need because I believe that I cannot be without them
  • Being mentally envious is how I motivate myself to get what I mentally desire for myself. I envy what I want when I believe that I do not have it

It is my sub-conscious mental envy that is the primary cause of my environmental issues. My external environmental issues are conditional on my internal mental envious desires. With neither the passion nor desire of my envy & kindness, the existence of my influential experiences are purely natural.

The nature of my pure environmental issues is gentle kindliness. The purity of my essence gently kindles the environment that I allow to issue through me.