Divining A True Choice

“One choice is no choice, two choices is a dilemma and a third choice is Divine”

The sub-conscious mind has only two choices called ‘flight or fight’. It doesn’t have a third choice until it consciously becomes aware of one. Consciously teaching our Self an instinctive third choice requires an intuitive awareness of a divine choice. The awareness of a third choice is learned intuitively. Consciously choosing a third choice aligns a super-conscious awareness with my sub-conscious instinctive programming.

• When I sub-consciously choose ‘flight’, I run away from my problems

• When I sub-consciously choose ‘fight’, I conflict with my challenges

Conflict is always a challenge and fleeing is always a problem. I can only ever win or lose the challenging problem of conflict, there is no third choice. Conflict is about the challenge of winning & losing. When I confront the conflict in my life, I realise that I fail every challenge when I run out of emotional power. With no true connection to my source of emotional power, my mental will power will eventually deplete, leaving my challenge incomplete. Without the will to fight, all is lost. Without the will to flee, everything is confused. The will to fight or flee is a sub-conscious instinctive reaction, not a conscious intellectual response. I react from fear and I respond with love. Fear is a negative belief and love is an emotional feeling.

Love is the present feeling of emotional power. Without love, there is only an instinctive reaction of fear; which denies a kind, caring, generous & considerate intellectual response. We are all fighting our own inconsiderate, uncaring, sense of disingenuous unkindness; caused by our own inability to genuinely love our Self. We are fighting the ignorance of our own shadow-self, as reflected in the actions of others. We are denying our own inner-conflict and ignoring our own ignorance of divine truth. Whether we are fighting or fleeing, we are trying unsuccessfully to find a peaceful existence in our external physical world without a peaceful experience of our own internal spiritual world.

• When I flee, I concede to another’s superior authority that advises me not to fight

• When I fight, I eventually yield to another’s superior power that suppresses my own inferior authority

It is a false sense of superior authority that causes a false sense of inferior power.

The intuitive third choice is to surrender to our true authority, which is the divine essence of our Self and the essential nature of our Divine Self. I call my Divine Self my Soul. In the presence of my Soul, I neither concede my power to another nor yield to the authority of another. I surrender to the guidance, support & provision that is ever presented as a present in each present moment of realisation.

The connection of my physical Self with my spiritual Soul allows the guidance of mental authority, the support of emotional power and the provision of physical ability.

“I surrender to my allowance of guidance, support & provision; provided providentially through the providence of the Soul”

My Soul connection approves my intuitive sense of feeling my power, knowing my authority and seeing my ability.

Surrender is allowing my allowance to freely flow, with approval, through accepting it unconditionally. My unconditional allowance approves my acceptance of my provision. My intuitive pro-vision sees and approves my allowance unconditionally.

My third choice of pro-vision intuitively sees a divine way, of guidance and support, through which I surrender to my Truth.