
Honesty is a pure attainment. It is the attribute of being perfect. I attribute honesty to my state of being perfect.

  • I cannot do honesty, as whatever I do is never perfect. I cannot achieve perfection
  • I cannot have honesty, as whatever I have is never perfect. I cannot accomplish perfection

There is always a degree of imperfection in everything that I do achieve and I have accomplished. I cannot honestly say that I have achieved everything that I need to achieve nor have I accomplished everything that I want to accomplish. In a perfect life, there is nothing left to either accomplish or achieve. I can however, express who I am being with a degree of perfection.

Honesty is a degree of perfection called being Honest. I am being honest when my perception aligns perfectly with the perspective of my Soul. When I perceive my Self to be expressing what I perceive to be the perspective of my Soul, I am being Honest.

To Hone is to Perfect. I perfect my being honest by honing my perspective in alignment with my Soul. My honest perspective is perfect & best. It is honed to perfection. Perfection is required to be perfected or honed in the best way possible.

Honesty is the attainment of being in alignment with the perfect essence of the Soul, through the perfected expression of the Self.

  • The essential nature of the Soul is honest perfection
  • The necessary nature of the Self is dishonest imperfection

It is through the imperfections of the Self that the perfection of the Soul is realised. It is through my own dishonesty that I attain the Honesty of my own perfect perspective.

  • I perfect my perspective through being honest
  • I correct my imperfections by realising my own dishonesty

When I realise that every state of being that I express is an honest representation of my Self, I am in perfect alignment with my Soul. The Soul awards its Self a Degree in Honesty, when its Self has honestly mastered its own perfection.

In all honesty, my Soul is a perfect representative of my Self. It represents my perfect Self. I attain the state of being a perfect representation of my Soul through being Honest. I am only ever either guilty or innocent of being dishonest. In all innocence, I am often being dishonest with my Self.

We do not attain dishonesty, we express it by default. Being dishonest is an imperfect representation of myself. I express my dishonesty when I am disconnected from, and out of alignment with, my Soul’s perfect state of Being.

My Soul is a perfect expression of who I am. It does not have to do anything or seek to have anything to be Perfect. It is just a perception of my perspective of who I am being, when I am being Honest with my Self.

We are all perfect from the perspective of the Soul, when honestly working on overcoming the imperfections of the Self. Honest toil is how we work on perfecting the imperfections of the Ego Self.

Honest is the true state of every attainment. Nothing is ever attained with dishonesty.