Seven Dualities Of The Mind

In Relative Duality, the Mind has a male frequency of conscious, rational, intellectual thought and a female wavelength of instinctive, emotional, feeling awareness. These are the six dualities of its gender:

  1. Male & Female
  2. Frequency & Wavelength
  3. Consciousness & Awareness
  4. Intellect & Instinct
  5. Thought & Feeling
  6. Rational & Emotional

The Male Gender of the Mind is rational and determines conscious intellectual ability. It is driven by its rational beliefs and is unaware of its emotional feelings. It cannot think emotionally.

The Female Gender of the Mind is emotional and determines sub-conscious instinctive ability. It is driven by personal emotional needs and is not conscious of its beliefs. It cannot feel mentally.

7. The 7th duality of the Mind is a positive or a negative Polarity.

Polarity is the positive or negative direction in which a thinking-feeling mind chooses to take action. It can be intellectually expansive & pro-active or instinctively contractive & reactive.

  • It is the nature of the Intellect to be positively rational & negatively unemotional
  • It is the nature of the Instinct to be positively emotional & negatively irrational

A disempowered mind is unemotional and has no magnitude of power. In extreme circumstances, it may present as an obsessive & compulsive disorder of irrational conscious thinking (OCD).

An inauthentic mind is disconnected and has no authentic authority. In extreme circumstances, it may present as an attention deficit disorder of disconnection from an inauthentic authority (ADD).

An over-sensitivity of the mind to emotional feelings with an insensitivity to irrational thinking is an exclusive disorder diagnosed as autism.

All disorders of the Mind are either caused by an unemotional disempowerment or an inauthentic disconnection of an Individual Mind from its true source of power & authority. They are both mental & emotional and are distinct from malfunctions of the brain, which are physical.

  • Unemotional power (will power) causes confusion
  • Inauthentic authority (attachment) causes loss of direction

All disorders of the Mind can be overcome by bringing all seven dualities into balance & unity. A balanced male & female gender of the potential vibration of conscious-awareness unites the rational thinking of the intellect with the instinctive feelings of our emotions. The unity of a male force of thoughtful authority with a female magnitude of powerful feelings has the potential presence of both clarity & direction, for every choice of action.

The pure vibration of a consciously-aware, emotional-mind, with an instinctive-intellect, is always positively in divine order because it is both empowered & authentic.

  • The female mind is instinctive
  • The male mind is intellectual
  • A Divine Mind is Intuitive

It is the nature of Intuition to be both positively rational and positively emotional. A negative intuitive choice is an oxymoron.

It is emotionally unintelligent for the mind to be driven instinctively by an emotional need for power, caused by an inauthentic mental fear or limiting belief of the intellect.

  • Instinct is distorted by negative feelings
  • Intellect is distorted by negative thinking

It is emotionally intelligent for the mind to super-consciously intuitively enable the authority of its conscious thoughts to act in harmony with the power of its sub-conscious feelings.

An intuitively guided & supported mind allows ideal choices to be positively beneficial in life.