Four Directions Of Contrasting Polarity

Polarity determines the inclination of a true thought, which determines the attitude of an emotional mood. The positive or negative polarity of an emotional feeling is relative to the direction of a particular personal perspective. When my perspective aligns a pure influential thought with a pure emotional experience, the beneficial feeling is in alignment with the true direction of my existence.

It is freedom of choice that allows the polarity of my perspective to have four opposing directions of contrast. The polarity of pure thought is always positive as its direction propels it forward, expanding boundaries and upwards, towards enlightenment. Onwards and upwards is the path of the Soul. In contrast, the Self can fall backwards & downwards as a choice of its ego.

Backwards & forwards can be confused with inwards & outwards. Upwards & downwards can be confused with left & right, when disorientated. I can be oriented to the east when I choose to go west. I can find travelling downwards easier than travelling upwards and when my inner path is blocked, I have no choice but to look out and look outwards.

With four contrasting directions in which our thoughts may travel, each with a contrasting polarity that may appear to be positive or negative, right or wrong, better or worse; there are actually eight directions in which a perspective may be aligned.

  1. Forwards or Backwards in length
  2. Upwards or Downwards (North/South) in height
  3. Leftwards or Rightwards (East/West) in breadth
  4. Inwards or Outwards in depth

It is the influential beliefs of our advisors & mentors that determine our beliefs from birth. We are led to believe that rightwards is the right way and oriental is the eastern way. When west is to our left, it determines north to be upwards and south is downwards. If we do not go north, we believe that our life is going south. North is straight up, yet we are pulled north-west because magnetic north is more attractive than true north.

From our physical perspective on Earth, we either travel inwards into our metaphorical cave, as an introvert, or outwards as an extrovert to explore the world. We travel out to explore our outer world without any thought of travelling inwards to explore our inner world. We believe that if we don’t take the right path, we will get left behind instead of being right out front. We follow everyone else on the wrong path, which is easier because it is down hill and well trodden. With no clear purpose in our life, we have no idea of what is forward, so we climb up a ladder of status & hierarchy to obtain monetary riches and gain power over other people.

Only once we become rich & important do we discover that our status has no real authority, and our wealth has no real power, to follow a path that fulfils our true values. Our self empowerment lies within, not without. Being externally motivated with arrogance does not empower us with self-confidence. I move onwards and upwards with confidence and swagger from side to side with arrogance, as I deviate from left to right as a down and out. Down & outs have no external motivation and rising stars are empowered with their own inspiration.

The authority of personal choice is present for every sovereign entity. Every entity is sovereign when their choice aligns with the positive polarity of their destiny. Every personal destiny leads an exclusively unique Individual, onwards & upwards as a shining star and a legend of their own evolutionary life-time; with the inclination of their own intuitive awareness.