The Four Dimensions Of Spiritual Energy

The Four Dimensions of Spiritual Energy are:

  1. Mental Frequency
  2. Physical Vibration
  3. Emotional Wavelength
  4. Spiritual Pulsation

The essence of a spiritual entity is its spiritual pulse.

  • Every inanimate object has an energy vibration
  • Every animate subjective entity has a pulse

Pulsating, subjective, sentient, animate entities are alive, whereas, vibrating objects are entirely insentient & inanimate.

  • A pulsating Being is Conscious
  • A vibrating object is unconscious

I pulsate with life when I am awake and I vibrate in unconsciousness when I am deeply asleep.

  • A pulsation has a vibration, a frequency & a wavelegth
  • A vibration has a frequency & a wavelength but no pulse

My physical heart is an organ with a pulse and my spiritual heart is an organising Soul creatively pulsating.

Pulsations of vibrant creativity are the energy of a Self-Creation of the Creator Soul. The conscious-awareness of an imaginary Soul is the source of all pulsating sensation. The sensations of my Self are the experience of an existential Soul pulsating with its own vibration.

It is the physical flux of fluid mental thought, with the emotional feeling of flow, which allows the spiritual flair of a 4th dimensional pulsation.

  • From a 3 dimensional physical perspective, a heart-beat is the cause of being alive
  • From a 4 dimensional spiritual perspective, a pulsating, sentient, energetic, spiritual Entity, entirely creates the frequency & wavelength of a vibrational experience called life

Every life pulsation is a real vibration of a frequency in time with a wavelength of space. When a 3 dimensional vibration leaves its current energetic space-time-reality, the spiritual pulsation remains infinitely, eternally & continuously alive.