Three Choices Of Reality

There are three choices of Reality. It can be:

  1. Surreal
  2. Real
  3. Unreal
  • From a Surreal perspective, what is real appears to be unreal
  • From a Real perspective, the surreal appears to be unreal
  • From an Unreal perspective, there is no perspective

Gurus & Yogis teach spirituality from a surreal perspective. They lead their followers to believe that reality is an unreal illusion.

Realists teach a rational logic, which states that only what is experienced with the five physical senses is real. The surreal is therefore unreal. When reality defies logic it is said to be either surreal or unreal.

The current spiritual teaching of Non-Dualism is preaching from a perspective of the surreal. The belief is that the surreal is real and what is real is an illusion. This is an unreal surreality that confines one to a dual reality of duality & non-duality.

In the three dimensional reality of a time-space-continuum, in which we all currently exist, the existence of my experience is relative to the personal time and space that I am currently occupying. Reality is a personal consequence of an Individual’s time in space. My reality is relative to where I am in space and when I am in time.

In this realm of sovereign choice, all perspectives are potentially real because our thoughts are potent. They are valid to the sovereignty of each individual thinker based on their personal beliefs. The wonder of a three dimensional world of choice is the ability to explore, discover & experience for one’s Self, all three perspectives of Reality. It is wise to always remember that a three dimensional world has more to offer than the duality of a dual reality of just two perspectives.

A Philosopher will argue that, in a time-space-reality, only a fixed place at a fixed time is actually real in the present here & now of Life.