Boundaries & Standards

My Boundaries define the extent of my comfort zone. They define the standards of behaviour that I deem acceptable by other people.

My Standards define my opportunities for personal growth, which extend my comfort zone. I excel with the achievement of my own acceptable standards.

Unless I own my standards, I cannot own my boundaries. When I accept another’s standard as my boundary, I do not own it and it becomes an adopted standard. Adopting other people’s standards inhibits personal growth, which limits my comfort zone.

Unless I own my boundaries, I cannot own my beliefs. I believe what other people tell me is true and I have no boundary to protect me from their transgressions.

Unless I own my beliefs, I cannot have a true perspective. My true perspective always aligns with my own true beliefs. A true belief is one that I own because I believe it to be true.

My standards & boundaries are relative to my beliefs & perspective. I either own them or they own me. As I change an old belief for a better belief, I change my perspective to allow a better standard of behaviour for myself and more acceptable boundaries with other people.

My most excellent standards are evident when my boundaries are most extensive. My most extensive boundary is my most excellent standard.