Four Dimensions Of Mental Reality

My Mentality is my mental reality. It has four dimensions:

  1. Mind
  2. Consciousness
  3. Thought
  4. Thinking

My mentality has a contrasting gender & polarity:

  • Male Mind & female Consciousness denote gender
  • Positive Thought & negative Thinking denote polarity

The gender & polarity of my mental reality are a personal perspective, irrespective of my physical sex.

  • The positive thought of a male mind is rational intellect
  • The positive thought of a female consciousness is intuitive awareness
  • The negative thinking of a male mind is unconscious instinct
  • The negative thinking of female consciousness is irrational over sensitivity

A female consciousness has a choice of intuitive or instinctive awareness, whereas a male mind chooses either an intellectual response or an instinctive reaction.

An individual mentality is a combination of mental perspective with conscious perception, which allows:

  • Positive intellectual thought of the Mind
  • Negative unintelligent thinking of the Brain
  • Positive intuitive thought of the Heart
  • Negative instinctive thinking of the Gut

Positive instinctive action occurs without either intuitive thought or intellectual thinking. Positive intellectual thoughts of the mind are inspired and positive intuitive thoughts of the heart are empowered.

Thinking is a process of the will of the ego Self, which is disconnected, uninspired, disempowered, insensitive, unaware, unemotional, inclusive and emotionally attached.