3D Consciousness to 4D Awareness

For the past 2000 years, during the Spiritual Age of Pisces, our three dimensional consciousness was physical, mental & spiritual. Body, mind & spirit were the three dimensions of our reality. Unconscious whilst asleep, sub-conscious while day-dreaming and conscious when awake were the three dimensions of our mental consciousness.

December 21st 2012 heralded the dawn of a New Spiritual Age of Aquarius: The Dawning or Awakening of Awareness. A 4th dimension of Awareness begins with a distinction between consciousness & awareness.

  • Consciousness is being physically awake
  • Awareness is being spiritually awakened
  • Consciousness is revealed through 5 physical senses
  • Awareness is revealed through 3 intuitive senses
  • (Sub-consciousness is the awareness of 4 instinctive senses)
  • Consciousness uses intellectual reasoning as a choice
  • Awareness uses intuitive meaning as a choice
  • Consciousness is rational
  • Awareness is emotional
  • Consciousness reveals our fate
  • Awareness reveals our destiny

Awareness has 4 dimensions, which are physical, mental, emotional & spiritual. It has four levels of consciousness:

  1. Unconscious Delta
  2. Sub-conscious Theta
  3. Conscious Beta
  4. Super-Conscious Alpha
  • With a 2D Consciousness, which is sub-conscious, instinctive & physical, we are victims of life happening to us
  • With a 3D Consciousness, we attained a conscious intellectual choice of reasoning that allowed life to happen by us
  • With a 4D Awareness, we have an intuitive choice that allows life to happen beneficially through us

In the 3rd Age of our spiritual development, we relied on the influence & authority of other people, both intellectually & intuitively, to secure our comfort & safety.

With the personal development of our own 4D intuitive awareness, we realise that we are divinely guided & supported on a personal path of expansive spiritual growth.