Being Fulfilled

  • Being Content is having everything that I need
  • Being Fulfilled is having everything that I truly value

What has true value in my life is whatever aligns with my purpose for being alive.

“When my purpose in life is being fulfilled, I experience the feeling of joy”

When the purpose in life is to propagate one’s genes and make babies, the joy of a fulfilling purpose is experienced at the birth of one’s children. There is no greater feeling of joy than becoming a mother or a father but there are many more experiences of life that we are equally able to enjoy.

Enjoying any truly valuable experience requires an intuitive vision of a purposeful mission in life. There is much more to a happy life than just making babies. The conscious fulfilment of a happy life requires the knowledge of the individual path we each have personally chosen in life because it has true value for our Self. We remain unfulfilled in life due to our unawareness of our intuitive insight.

A personal vision, mission & purpose in life can only be imagined, visualised & realised with intuitive insight. No matter how informed the rational intellect, it will never discover its purpose from knowledge and experience of the external physical world. I can only discover my purpose in my internal spiritual world with the awareness of my insightful intuition.

“With intuitive insight, I see that my vision for my life has a purpose and my life becomes a mission to fulfil both”

My Mental Vision is to live in a world where everyone is influential in the control of their own power, their own authority and responsible for their own actions. This is a world where people are naturally well, naturally happy and their human natures are mutually beneficial.

My Emotional Purpose is to experience being a happy & well human Being experiencing the contentment, fulfilment & joy of my happiness & the health, wealth & wisdom of my wellbeing.

My Physical Mission is to make responsible, empowered choices with sovereign authority; which allow the purpose of my vision to be realised through my human existence.