The Unhappiness Of Greed & Pleasing

Greed & Pleasing is the same emotional need for energy, perceived with an opposing gender of perspective.

The male gender of emotional greed is in contrast to the female gender of emotional pleasing. They are like polarities flowing in the same negative polarity of direction, even though their gender is in opposition. Greedy people need people to please them and people pleasers attract greedy people, who hate the displeasure of not being pleased by others.

In alignment with the Law of Attraction, like energy unto itself is drawn. This means that like polarities with opposing genders attract each other. Attraction works irrespective of positive or negative polarity, so happy people attract happy people and unhappy people attract unhappy people.

Being happy in the company of unhappy people defies the law of spiritual energy. Being happy in the company of either people pleasers or greedy people is therefore not energetically possible.

Being greedy is deemed to be selfish and pleasing others, we are told, is being unselfish. Neither allows my Self to be truly happy. As my true Self is Happy, being truly selfish overcomes the duality of being either selfish or unselfish, as well as being either greedy or pleasing.

With the equanimity of a balanced gender of emotional happiness and the equality of a congruent polarity of mental happiness, I have the equability of a state of being both inspired & empowered with happiness. We are all equally able to be happy when our equanimity is balanced and our equality is congruent. We attain a level of mental equality when we express the mutual equanimity of our emotional happiness.

I realise that pleasing other people just makes them greedy and when I need others to please me, I am being needy & greedy as the default setting of my unhappy self.