Being Content

Being Content is an awareness of being satisfied with my physical existence. I am satisfied with the contents of my life, when I am content. It contains what I need to be physically happy and mentally fulfilled with my existing life.

I feel content when there is nothing in my physical reality that is disallowing my happiness. I am discontent when I believe that I do not have enough of something. I am unhappy when I do not have what I think that I need. My lack or scarcity is misery which causes my misery.

Misery is both the physical act of being in scarcity as a miser and the emotional state of being miserable as a misery. It is both the pursuit of unhappiness and the experience of unhappiness. It is caused by the belief that scarcity exists, so I will never have enough.

  • Vagrancy is poverty, applicable to the poor
  • Extravagance is gluttony, applicable to the rich

Neither the rich nor the poor are content with enough. Neither the vagrant nor the extravagant have found abundance. Whether I have too little or too much, less than enough or more than enough, I do not have enough.

Being content is the feeling that I experience when I have enough of everything, which is the definition of abundance. When there is nothing that I need, I have enough, I am content and my life abounds with abundance.

I am only ever content in the present moment. The presence of contentment is only experienced now. When right now in this present moment I have enough, I feel content and the experience of an abundant life flows into my existence.

“The fastest way to experience contentment is to want for nothing”

My life can be unfulfilled & wanting or filled full of contentment.