Happiness Is A Standard

Being Happy is an excellent standard but it is not a normal standard. Being unhappy, for many people, is normal but it is not my standard. I cannot be happy being the cause of my own unhappiness. Being unhappy doesn’t help other people to be happy.

Happiness is neither a subjective cause nor an objective affect. It is an emotionally adjective effect of effectively attaining the enjoyable, fulfilling standard of living a physical life of contentment.

My standard for Being Happy, whilst living an influential, existential, experience of life is:

  • Being physically content
  • Being mentally fulfilled
  • Being emotionally joyful

It is my responsibility to attain the ability to respond in life to my own chosen standard. I may blame other people for my inability to be happy but this is my incompetence, not theirs. Other people appear to make me unhappy & displeased when I blame them for my own lack of responsibility. When I adopt their standards of living irresponsibly, I will blame them for my unhappiness.

When I take responsibility for the standard of my own happiness, I allow other people to do the same and I am no longer the cause of their unhappiness. Being responsible for nobody’s choice but my own, I am able to set and maintain my own standards for living a happy life.

The Golden Rule of standard setting is to be unto others as you choose for others to be unto you. When I am being happy in the company of all other people, I allow them to choose to be happy themselves.

My choices are:

  • I choose to be allowing of all others to set their own standards for happiness, as I choose my own personal standards for myself
  • I choose to be respectful of the sovereign choices of others, without judgment, so that they are respectful & happy with my sovereign choices for my Self
  • I choose to set my boundaries to be so extensive that other people cannot cross them and make me cross & unhappy

“Other people’s happiness is not my concern and when I am Being Happy, I am not concerned”