Four Dimensional Fulfilment

Fulfilment has three dimensions of:

  1. Reason
  2. Meaning
  3. Purpose

Reason is:

  • Objective
  • Intellectual
  • Influential

Meaning is:

  • Adjective
  • Intuitive
  • Experiential

Purpose is:

  • Subjective
  • Instinctive
  • Existential
  1. In the 1st Age of Man, the subject of my existence is instinctive. I am subjected to an instinctive existence
  2. In the 2nd Age of Man, the objective of my influence is intellectual. I intellectually influence my objectives
  3. In the 3rd Age of Man, I am adjectively aware of my intuitive experience. I intuitively experience my adjective awareness

My spiritual journey through a physical, mental & emotional life is fulfilled with the existential purpose of influential reasoning, with intuitive meaning.

The fulfilling unity of my body, mind & emotion requires a reasonable objective with an adjective meaning for my subjective purpose.

I am fulfilled when my enhanced subjective instinctive existence is enlightened by an influential intellectual objective; which is further enriched by my experiential adjective intuition.

My reasonable influence on a subjective existence develops meaning through an adjective experience of being fulfilled.

The meaning of a reasonable life purpose is gained through the existence of every influential experience of personal fulfilment.