Happiness Is A Quality Attainment

Quality is a four dimensional reality. This means that there are four dimensions to the quality of an emotional attainment.

Happiness is a spiritual quality. The spiritual reality of happiness is that it has three other distinct dimensions. As well as the spirituality of happiness, there is a mentality, an emotionality and a physicality.

  1. The mental reality of happiness is called Fulfilment. I am mentally happy when the choices that I make are fulfilling. When I am mentally fulfilled, I am filled full of happiness at the choices that I am influencing.
  2. The emotional reality of happiness is Joy. I am emotionally happy when I am enjoying the experience of my contentment at being fulfilled with my life. My life is joyfully fulfilling its purpose. I experience my life as full of content and filled with joy.
  3. The physical reality of happiness is contentment. I am physically happy when everything that I physically need exists in my life, right now. When I have enough of everything that I need in every moment, I am content because I have neither too much nor too little, neither more than enough nor less than enough.
  4. The spiritual reality of happiness is a fulfilling influence in a content existence with a joyful experience of a quality attainment called being happy.

I am unhappy when:

  • I am being mentally unfulfilled
  • I am being emotionally disempowered
  • I am being physically discontent
  • I am being spiritually unaware of my happiness

Becoming aware of the spiritual attribute of happiness requires:

  1. The influence of intuitive guidance
  2. The experience of intuitive support
  3. The existence of intuitive provision

Without the provision of intuitive guidance & support, I will sub-consciously default to needing to either please myself or please others to get my emotional need for happiness met.