Happiness Is Intuitive, Not Intellectual

Happiness is something that I feel but cannot touch. I cannot locate happiness with my physical sense of touch; neither can I see it, hear it, smell it or taste it. Happiness is not something that is physical, it is something that is emotional.

Happiness doesn’t make sense intellectually. Being rational & intellectual never made anyone happy. It only ever managed to please the ego and make someone less miserable.

I cannot touch happiness physically, I can only feel it intuitively. I can only ever feel any emotion intuitively. All emotional feelings are intuitive. An intuitive sense of feeling is the only way to experience any emotion. When I suppress my emotions, I deny my intuition and when I deny my intuition, I suppress my emotions.

A rational fear is experienced as an intuitive sense of dread, with an intensity that is too high for me to suppress, so I feel intensely unhappy. An irrational fear is a worry that my intellect is unable to suppress, so it continues to sub-consciously concern me.

  • The intellectual belief that emotional feelings are counter-intuitive is a nonsense
  • The intellectual belief that being emotional is irrational, is a nonsense
  • The intellectual belief that being sensitive is being weak, is a nonsense
  • The intellectual belief that intuition is not a sense, is a nonsense

“The intellectual nonsense is that intuition is a non-sense”

With what sense to I experience happiness, if it is not intuitive? The answer is I don’t. Suppressing or denying my innate intuitive senses disallows my happiness. The extensive cause of self-inflicted unhappiness in this world is caused by the intellectual belief that intuition is counter-intuitive.

With no acceptable way of measuring or rating happiness, it has become irrational to an intellectual mind. There is no rational way of being unemotional as I cannot measure what is not there.

Only when the intellect can accept the existence of its own intuitive feeling experiences will it be able to rate, measure and attain Happiness.