Meeting My Emotional Needs

Meeting My Emotional Needs is a three step process:

1. Identify what I need emotionally

In the Appendix at the back of the book is a list of 240 emotional needs. Pick out three emotional needs that have a positive or a negative pull and rate them in order of importance. You may identify as many as ten or more emotional needs that apply to yourself. As one emotional need is met, another usually becomes apparent.

2. Ask someone to meet my identified need for me

Starting with my primary emotional need, consciously ask someone to meet this need for me, unless I decide that I can consciously meet this need myself. Emotional needs are either introvert, meaning I can meet them myself or extrovert, meaning I need someone else to meet them for me. For example: the need to achieve is an introvert need because what I need to achieve for myself, nobody can achieve for me. The need for approval is an extrovert need as we seek it outside of ourself until it is present within our Self.

3. Discover a way to meet every need myself

Irrespective of the emotional need, explore ways of meeting it myself in the most effective and efficient way, which is both effortlessly & quickly.

Depending on other people to meet my emotional needs, whether consciously or sub-consciously driven, forms a dependent, co-dependent or inter-dependent relationship with that person or those people.

Developing an inter-developmental relationship with my Self allows me to transcend my attachments to other people and become truly independent in my connection to my emotional power supply. Once I know how to consciously meet my own need for emotional power, I am self-motivated and on the way to becoming personally empowered.

Personal empowerment is a very happy state of being to attain. The default state of being disempowered and unhappy, requires first the ability of self-motivation before attaining the emotional state of being empowered with Happiness.