Finding Unhappiness

We don’t need to go looking for unhappiness as it is apparent to most people wherever they are. The world is full of unhappy people pretending to be happy.

In a relative dual reality world, where everything is in contrast to something, happiness has a polar opposite of unhappiness. Paradoxically, the way to find happiness is to lose everything that causes unhappiness. To do this, I am required to understand why I am unhappy and what is the cause of the affect of my unhappiness. This requires a degree of emotional intelligence. It also requires an understanding of the contradiction that the way to find happiness is to understand what is causing my loss of happiness.

Happiness is a natural quality, whereas unhappiness is a normal default setting for most people; as they usually find something that makes them unhappy every day.

There are degrees of unhappiness that spiral down through gloom, sorrow, misery, despair & desolation, to depression. It is not emotionally intelligent to wallow in the negative polar intensities of unhappiness, looking for a solution to the problem. Trying to solve the problem of one’s unhappiness has never made anyone happy, just less miserable.

Actually eliminating the cause of unhappiness is the pathway to conscious happiness. The cause of all emotional problems, including unhappiness, is a mental fear caused by a limiting belief. Once I own the cause of my unhappiness because I know that my false beliefs are causing it, my problem instantly becomes a challenge. That challenge is to change a negative belief that is causing my unhappiness to a positive belief that allows my happiness to flow.

“Every frequency of thought is expressed on a wavelength of emotion”.

All mental energy of thinking and emotional energy of feeling has a polarity that is either positive or negative. Unhappiness is the affect of negative thinking, due to negative beliefs, opinions, convictions & fears.

“Happiness is the positive feeling that accompanies a positive thought”

Consequently, unhappiness is the negative feeling that is caused by negative thinking.