Happiness Is A Rational Emotional Experience

A Rational Emotional Experience is one that I can rate or measure experientially. To rate an emotion requires a system of measurement, so that it’s quality can be qualified. To qualify as an emotion, it is required to be a feeling or an emotional state of being that is attributable to one’s Self. What is being measured is not the emotion but whether it is attributable. I can attribute an emotion to my Self, once I know that I am expressing that feeling. Both the knowing and the feeling are intuitive.

An emotional state of being is one that I am both subjectively feeling and objectively expressing. When a subjective emotion is objectively expressed, I can describe it adjectively.

An adjective is a describing word. An adjective expression is described with an emotional attribute. When I am able to adjectively describe an emotion that I attribute as an expression of my Self, then I can choose it with awareness and I have consciously attained it.

“An emotional attribute is an adjective attainment once I can consciously choose to express it”

I can choose to express my Happiness, as a rational emotional experience, once I can adjectively describe the emotional states of being that I have happily attained, by consciously attributing them to my Self.

Conversely, once I become aware of the negative emotional attributes that are causing the unhappy experiences in my life, due to my negative thinking, I can consciously choose to change my emotional experience from a negative to a positive expression of my way of thinking.

“Positive thinking requires positive thoughts with the absence of negative limiting beliefs & fears”.