Automatons & Zombies

An Automaton is a person who acts mechanically or leads a routine, monotonous life. An Automaton believes that their body is an organic machine, which runs automatically until it becomes sick, ill, diseased, damaged or broken. When not able to operate at full capacity, the Automaton checks in with a doctor or physician for a regular service and diagnosis of faults. An Automaton expects its physician to keep its physical body running efficiently, in the same way that it expects a garage mechanic to service their car. The philosophy of an Automaton explains their reality by referring to causally determined external forces of a material nature, which are seen as their problem requiring someone else’s solution. An Automaton is programmed to work at full capacity to alleviate the monotony of a boring life.

A Zombie, like an Automaton, is an apathetic person who appears to be lifeless and lacking in independent judgment, to the degree that they are on a fatal path of morbid mortality towards an inevitable demise. A Zombie is an Automaton with a contagious disease that can affect other Automatons. Automatons are therefore programmed to fear Zombies and avoid their prognosis of a slow & painful death. A Zombie is programmed to suffer the pain of an incurable disease under the conditions of social exclusion, emotional trauma and mental drama; whereas an Automaton is either programmed to suffer the pain of insufficient pleasure or is driven to meet their continuous need for their own personal addictive desires.

The antidote for both the Automaton & the Zombie is a healthy dose of an emotionally intelligent, exclusive connection to their own source of spiritual guidance & support.