Dominance, Immanence, Poignance

Dominance is the essence of a task. The ability to dominate a task is an essential quality for success. Self-esteem is the essence of dominance. Dominance requires a keen sense of one’s Self, being in the flow. With dominance, my every task is effortless because my dominant Self dominates the action required to achieve the task.

Dominance requires Immanence & Poignance.

Immanence is the essence of the confident mental authority to make beneficial choices. With a keen sense of time, I am presently in the now with the presence of immanence.

Poignance is the essence of the emotional power to make valued and worthwhile choices. It is the keen sense of being empowered and emotionally worthy, by being in the gap with poise and good grace.

With poignance & immanence, my dominance is ensured.

Poignance is my sense of emotional self-worth and the power to take my opportunities for growth. Opportunities for growth, when poignant, are the essence of my spiritual development. In every poignant moment, there is a message of clarity & direction.

Immanence is my sense of self-confidence to make authoritative choices. Every opportunity for growth is achieved with the confidence of my authorised choice. When I confidently choose with the esteem of my self-worth, my immanence is poignant and my poignance is immanent. My emotional power is mentally authorised and my inspired choices are empowered.

Immanently in the now and poignantly in the gap, I am dominantly in the flow.

My dominance is effectively the consequence of my poignant immanence.